MD Introduces New Medigap Birthday Rule
Effective July 1, Medigap policyholders in Maryland are eligible for an annual open enrollment period beginning on an individual’s birthday and ending 30-days from that date.
This allows the policyholder to switch to a different Medigap plan (also know as Medicare Supplement plan) with equal or lesser benefits within the first 30 days following their birthday month without being subject to medical underwriting. In other words, if you change plans during this time frame, insurance companies cannot deny you coverage or charge you more based on any pre-existing condition so long as you are not asking to have more comprehensive Medigap coverage.
For example, you will be able to switch from a Medigap Plan G to another Medigap Plan G without underwriting. But this open enrollment period does not cover a switch from a less comprehensive Plan A to Plan G. Eligible Medigap policyholders will receive annual letters informing them about this enrollment period. If you have questions about this new rule, please contact your team at The Kelly Group.
Cecil County School Employees’ Federal Credit Union regulated by NCUA. The Kelly Group is a trade name of Kelly Financial Group, LLC. Kelly Financial Group, LLC is a registered investment adviser with the Securities & Exchange Commission (“SEC”). Registration of an Investment Adviser does not constitute an endorsement of the firm by the SEC, nor does it imply any level of skill or training.
Cecil County School Employees’ Federal Credit Union (“CCSEFCU”) and The Kelly Group are not affiliated in any way. The financial planning services referenced by CCSEFCU through The Kelly Group is a joint marketing arrangement. CCSEFCO is compensated for referrals to The Kelly Group. Due to such compensation, there is a material conflict of interest and incentive for CCSEFCU to recommend The Kelly Group. For further information about The Kelly Group and its services, please read its Relationship Summary (“Form CRS”) and Brochure (“ADV”), which are available at or on the SEC’s website at, or upon request to [email protected] or 800.999.8609.
Investments recommended by The Kelly Group are not deposits or any type of obligation of the CCSEFCU, are not guaranteed by CCSEFCU, are not insured by the FDIC and involve investment risk including the possible loss of principal.

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