Club Savings Accounts
It can be difficult to budget when all of your savings is in one account.
That’s why we offer these unique savings accounts to help you set money aside. (They all earn interest at competitive rates.) Not sure how much to deposit each month? Use our savings calculator to determine how to meet specific goals. Please apply for our club accounts in person.

Holiday Club
(Early withdrawal results in a $10 fee and loss of dividends accrued.)

Summer Savings
Deposit money throughout the year, and it will be waiting for you come June 15. An early withdrawal penalty of 5% adds an extra incentive to save. Withdrawals can be a made without penalty until September 1.

Vacation Club
Anytime is a great time for a vacation! Start saving with our vacation club account and you’ll be ready. Withdrawals can be made at any time without penalty.

As the name suggests, these serendipity accounts can be used for any little thing that may come up. You can use your funds whenever you wish.