Consumer Loans
Got a big purchase to make but can't quite come up with the cash?
A consumer loan from your credit union could be the answer. We have a variety of loans to suit your individual lending needs.

Home Improvement
Make repairs, build a garage, add a pool and more with a little help from your credit union. Just be sure to invite us over for a swim!
(The purpose of your loan must be substantiated within 60 days with a contractor’s bill, canceled check, etc.)

Need some “jingle” in your pocket to pay for those holiday expenses? Try a Holiday loan – available November through December.
Rates and terms are established in the fall of each year.

Going on a trip? Stop in for a vacation loan first.
Borrow up to $3000 for 24 months.

Bill Consolidation
High-rate debt got you down? Consolidate your bills with us! You’ll get a lower rate—plus lower monthly payments to go with it. Borrow $500 to $10,000 depending on your needs.

Need money for something we haven’t mentioned yet? Consider taking out a personal loan. The maximum loan amount is $7500.

Hypothecation (Share Secured)
Borrow against your share savings account or certificate and get a low rate and a term to fit your needs.